I had the pleasure of meeting Enormus at Little Temple a couple of weeks ago. He told me he was an MC and had just done a show that same night. Well I asked him for his info so I could check out his art and I was highly impressed. I'm sure once you listen you will agree that homie is very talented. Enormus is no stranger to the entertainment industry. Some of you might remember the movie Cop and a Half... well he was co-starring with Burt Reynolds. Yep, that's right! He's the kid from the movie! I didn't know this when I met him. I didn't find out until I visited his website
www.enormus1.com which also includes previews to his album
Seeds Vol. 1: Pick of the Litter which I also highly recommend.
Click here to purchase:

For those of you who are in the L.A. area, here are his upcoming shows:
Here are two downloads he has made available for you (these are not included on the album). You can also hear them on the MP3 flash player on this page.
Love WarfareDownload:
The Vanguard
Additional info:
www.myspace.com/enormusoneThis feature was Put On Blast! by www.wearyourcity.com
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