Abortion: A Woman's Right or Black Genocide?
How do you feel about ads like these? Do you find them to be true? Is it a way to shame black women or to save the black race?
Tell us how you feel! We will be discussing the topic Thursday 8pm PST! Join as we but it all ON BLAST!
Godfellow ft. Frayser Boy "GOD MOB" Single
Godfellow Entertainment Empire presents the new single by Godfellow ft.
Frayser Boy titled "GOD MOB" produced by Fizzle X Beatz, Dj Zirk, C-Loc
*Click ...
3 weeks ago
Yes...it is true and the stats come from the Guttmacher institute which is Planned Parenthood's research arm. Interesting- Alan Guttmacher and Planned Parenthood's founder: Margaret Sanger were both members of the American Eugenics Society, with Guttmacher being a VP and also a Prez of Planned Parenthood. Eugenics is a very racist and discredited belief, but, today it is still being carried out thru abortion. Planned Parenthood's founder admitted she gave raving Klan speeches. I urge you to watch a powerful film which explores this racist agenda- called: maafa21. It will explain why abortion is being marketed to blacks. see here http://www.maafa21.com