Sunday, August 28, 2011

5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

The following tips were provided to us by Food Heaven Made Easy With Wendy and Jess on 8/25/11 live on the air. CLICK HERE to listen/download the podcast.

5 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

1. Shop for seasonal & local produce:
When you buy fruits and vegetables that are in season and local, they are way cheaper because they're growing in their natural environment and it doesn't take extra money and fuel power to bring them to your neighborhood. You can always find these eats at your local farmers market. You can also find lists of foods that are in season in your city/town/state online at

2. Buy healthy bulk staples for the home:
Buy your basics by the bulk! Foods like brown rice, dry or canned beans, and oils last a long time and when you buy them in bulk or in large sizes you save a lot of cash.

3. Make a healthy shopping list before you shop:
When you make a shopping list, you're more likely to stick to it and not wander off into the frozen food or candy section. You also save money by not buying unnecessary foods!

4. Make meals from whole foods as opposed to processed foods:
Some think that it's really expensive to eat healthy, but if you stick to basic whole foods that are already healthy, you'll be straight. Instead of spending $5 on a frozen dinner, buy some spinach, plantains, avocado, and a whole wheat baguette and you're good to go! And your body will love you endlessly!

5. Cook your meals for the week:
We always complain about the money and time being barriers to making healthy foods. A helpful tip is to pick 1 or 2 days in which you make food that will last you through the week. You can make some of these foods really basic, so that you can spice them up in a 1-2-3. A perfect example is brown rice- one day you can choose to make a brown rice & broccoli stir fry, and another day you can throw some beans on that brown rice and have a totally different meal.

1 comment:

  1. Economical blog. Thanks for the blog. Blog tips telling about ways to eat healthy. Thanks.
